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Flexible rubber/food-grade polyurethane hose suitable for the pneumatic transport of powders and granules for plastic moulding, flours, feed, cereals, coffee beans, sugar. Where particular critical situations arise caused by strong internal abrasion of the pipe. The internal Polyurethane is completely odorless and tasteless, light in colour, mirror-smooth.
The corrugated structure makes the pipe very easy to handle and can be used easily for manual unloading or conveying operations.
Hose compliant with Reg. EC1935/2004 and 2023/2006/EC(GMP), compliant with FDA regulations and Ministerial Decree 21/03/73 and subsequent amendments.
Structure made up of inserted high tenacity textile reinforcements, harmonic steel spiral, conductive copper cable for electrical dispersion.
Synthetic black rubber cover, anti-abrasive and antistatic (Resistivity less than one MegaOhm) 1x10 -6 , resistant to Ozone and atmospheric agents. Canvas impression surface. Wide wavy shape to simultaneously improve external abrasion resistance.

Operating temperatures: -35° +100°C. Tips of 130°C for sterilizations for up to 30 minutes.

Pressure safety factor: >3 times the operating pressure, approximately 4 bar maximum operating pressure.

Maximum depression -0.90 bar Packaging: on request, maximum 40 metres.

Customizable on request with institutional brands and colours.

Wall thickness
Radius of curvature
Theoretical weight
51 7 250 1.75
63.5 8 350 2.45
75 8 450 2.90
80 8 480 3.00
100 9 600 4.30